Sunday, December 9, 2012

callan Jupps final essay outline

INTRO Paragraphs: Provide context and any necessary background infoWhat makes a true American hero?
Tell why American Heroes are so important, and what they have done for us from when America was discovered until now. (1), (2)
(1) N.p., 31 Aug. 2012. Web. 2 Dec. 2012.
(2) McGuigan, John. "On the Danger of Heroes: Black Hawk Down's Transformation from Narrative Journalism to Cinematic Spectacle." Http:// Midwest Quarterly, Spring 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. </read/1G1-254595701/on-the-danger-of-heroes-black-hawk-down-s-transformation>.
ThesisTrue American heroes have shaped our country from when it was first discovered until now in many different ways.A true American hero is defined as one who gives himself to a greater good.
BODY Paragraphs

(1) Explain what the three movies are about, and how they portray an american hero (1), (2)
(2) Explain how the three movies tie together into what makes an american hero.
(3) talk about how Joseph Campbell's idea of a hero and a veterans idea of a hero compare and contrast.  (3), (4)

(1) McGuigan, John. "On the Danger of Heroes: Black Hawk Down's Transformation from Narrative Journalism to Cinematic Spectacle." Http:// Midwest Quarterly, Spring 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. </read/1G1-254595701/on-the-danger-of-heroes-black-hawk-down-s-transformation>.

(2)Gray, Moira. "Dances With Wolves." Dances With Wolves. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2012. <>.
(3) Joseph Campbell

(4) interview with american hero.
CONCLUSIONS: “so what?”(1)  Talk about why American heroes do what they do.
(2) talk about why american heroes should have more recognition and more influence on society

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Final Essay Thesis blog!

We were asked to write about what we may want our thesis to be for our final essay about heroes. We were also supposed to pick three examples of any contemporary text/media. The three examples I chose were Black Hawk down, Saving Private Ryan, and Dances With Wolves. I was wanting to Tie them all together by saying that in all of the movies, they all had a hero to America. In Black Hawk Down and Saving Private Ryan it is about War heroes that helped fight for our country. In dances with Wolves it is that the main character made peace and friendship with the Indians which helped America when It was first being founded. I do not have a clear thesis statement for my essay though. I am trying to think of how I can tie all of what I said into a few sentences that sums up my essay.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jesus as a hero in America

To many people in America today, Jesus is a hero.Why though, has he become so known as a hero. Is it because he died to save us from sin? or because of the many miraculous things he did to help the people he came in contact with? Many people just think of Jesus as a hero in ways is because they feel like they must because of what the Bible teaches he did for all of us. When we look at the definition of a hero, Jesus fits it to a tee. The definition to a hero through the eyes of Joseph Campbell is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. So why do we claim Jesus as a hero today in America instead of a man who came down to earth to do what he was called to do by his father? People look at Jesus as a hero probably has to do with they do not know the whole story and believe that Jesus came down to earth to die for us because he wanted to or because he felt like that that is what he needed to do. Jesus did not want to have the title of a hero with all of the fame and glory that a hero has. He simply came down to do do what he was called to do. People just say Jesus is a hero because he fits the definition of a hero. The teachings of a mother to a child may be that Jesus was a hero and leave it at that. That child will grow up and teach his or her children the same thing. This creates a sense that Jesus is a hero throughout many generations. This is why Jesus is titled as a hero in America today.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Going home

When I go home, I want to do some pretty cool stuff. I want to make a spud gun which will be freakin awesome and I really want to make a drift trike! If you do not know what a drift trike is, it is a bike that is transformed into a trike with pvc pipe wheels that let you go down hills and drift around turns at high speeds and is just a really cool idea. If I end up going back to my house before the semester is over, I will upload some pictures of it.

Friday, November 2, 2012


So im sitting here with my girlfriend Riina and this little boy who is here asked me to play his xbox. I said yes because i knew it would keep him happy and out of his moms hair. So the little boy saw that I had Halo reach! he was so happy and couldnt wait to play. He told me he plays halo at home so i figured his mom lets a seven year old kid play halo. So I said yes and got it out for him. His mom came in and he showed her and she said you cant play an R rated game! As soon as those words came out of her mouth, the little boy screamed and yelled and began crying uncontrollably. I was getting a headache at this point. It made me even more sick when she tried to talk with him and the boy was saying "I hate you and you are stupid and its just aliens mom" I thought, how could a kid even say things like that to her mom. little kids should just know already that what their mom says is probably always the best thing. I just think little kids have gotten so disrespectful over the years. What do yall think about this? let me know what you think about the little kids with respect now.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

In depth matrix thesis statement.

I decided yesterday after class that i was going to change my thesis statement to something about me arguing that artificial intelligence would in fact on day control the world as we know it. While I am writing this essay, I will discuss many things. I will talk about the pros and cons about artificial intelligence and i will go into a lot of detail about that. I will also talk about why we strive to have all of these new technologies and want to have the newest and best thing. I also will talk about why we cannot go back to our old ways due to our entrapment in artificial intelligence. I think that this will cover mainly all of my essay. I just want to make a good conclusion paragraph because miss Evans was saying that we needed a good one. If anyone has any other ideas for me just comment and let me know.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Matrix essay ideas

So yesterday on October the 17th we finished watching the matrix. After the matrix we were supposed to think of two ideas that we could use to write our essays. So I was thinking about a few and one I am really looking into is how is religion tied into the matrix. It amazed me that so many religious and Biblical things were in the matrix. I think that I would find a lot about why they used so many religious concepts and ideas and I am interested in knowing why this was done. Another Idea that I was thinking about was are some people awake in the society that we live in today? I believe that people today have seen many things that a lot of people wouldn't be able to handle or bare. Are these people who have seen it all awake and know what is really going on? I may refine my ideas to a little narrower path but I am definitely use one of these ideas.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Response to the allegory of the cave.
       I think that Plato's allegory of the cave is very wise and well thought about. I Believe that what he is saying is true. I just think that if I looked at something for my whole life and I never knew anything else except for these shadows, then when I turned around, I don't think that I would know that what i was seeing is actually reality or if it was just a dream. Also if they saw a shadow of a book (which is rectangle) then how would they know from the shadow that this was a book if they have never seen one before. I think that what Plato was saying though is very wise and that many people are like the people staring at the wall and never know anything else.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ahhh! the weekend.

Over the years since I was just a freshman in high school until now. I have learned to enjoy the weekends more and more. I have figured out how to use every bit of the weekend I can to relax and catch up on sleep that school just drains you of. Now that I am in college it seems like even my weekend is taken up by school work and studying and not getting enough sleep because of studying at night. I have so many things to do throughout the day I don't have time to study in the day and I have to study at night, and therefore, I don't get sufficient sleep. I am writing this blog post on Thursday night so I don't have to stay up late and do it tomorrow! I miss the elementary school days when I had no homework and I had nap time. The weekend is nice and maximizing your time to relax really plays a big difference on how the week goes.

Friday, September 21, 2012


The farther I progress into this first semester of college I see that there are so many more differences than high school. In college, I have so much more time throughout the day to complete anything I need to do so I don't have to stay up so late at night studying like I did in high school. Another thing I have realized that there are no really daily bring home assignments. Its more like read these pages or you will fail the test. I like not having all of those daily assignments. The last major thing I have noticed is that as the semester progresses, I am getting so much more weighed down with reading and studying. As the weeks have passed, the more reading I have done. I am sure that some weeks will be worse than other though, definitely.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Forest Ghost

People know me in the forest as the forest ghost. I go so fast on the mountain no one can ever catch a glimpse of me. People have tried to catch me, take pictures of me, and even kill me, but i just go too fast. When I am riding my bike, I feel like I am flying and love to go as fast as I can. I enjoy the adrenaline rush I get from going faster, higher, and farther. When I am on my bike, I feel like nothing in the world can ever touch me and I can just be free and have no limits at all. It is great to explore and find new trails and see these wonderful views from the tops of mountains. I have found something I am very good at, and will continue to mountain bike until I no longer can. So if you are out on the trails and you hear something go by, or if some one tells you the rumor, just know it is me.
I am not that fast :( I am probably slow as molasses compared to professional downhill mountain bikers but its always nice to think big I guess!

Monday, September 10, 2012

My archetype

All of the archetypes have little bits and pieces of me, but I think that i am mainly an explorer. I do not like to be fenced in by limits and want to find out who I really am by going out and exploring new things. When I think about how I do not like to be fenced in, I also think about me being a creator. I do not like to be fenced in by ideas. I want to let my imagination free and think of everything fun I can create. Either to make me not be bored, or to have something to do so I can feel accomplishment when i succeed. I think that exploring new things and then creating new things can tie in with each other, because the more i explore, the more I think, and therefore, the more i create.