Thursday, October 25, 2012

In depth matrix thesis statement.

I decided yesterday after class that i was going to change my thesis statement to something about me arguing that artificial intelligence would in fact on day control the world as we know it. While I am writing this essay, I will discuss many things. I will talk about the pros and cons about artificial intelligence and i will go into a lot of detail about that. I will also talk about why we strive to have all of these new technologies and want to have the newest and best thing. I also will talk about why we cannot go back to our old ways due to our entrapment in artificial intelligence. I think that this will cover mainly all of my essay. I just want to make a good conclusion paragraph because miss Evans was saying that we needed a good one. If anyone has any other ideas for me just comment and let me know.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Matrix essay ideas

So yesterday on October the 17th we finished watching the matrix. After the matrix we were supposed to think of two ideas that we could use to write our essays. So I was thinking about a few and one I am really looking into is how is religion tied into the matrix. It amazed me that so many religious and Biblical things were in the matrix. I think that I would find a lot about why they used so many religious concepts and ideas and I am interested in knowing why this was done. Another Idea that I was thinking about was are some people awake in the society that we live in today? I believe that people today have seen many things that a lot of people wouldn't be able to handle or bare. Are these people who have seen it all awake and know what is really going on? I may refine my ideas to a little narrower path but I am definitely use one of these ideas.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Response to the allegory of the cave.
       I think that Plato's allegory of the cave is very wise and well thought about. I Believe that what he is saying is true. I just think that if I looked at something for my whole life and I never knew anything else except for these shadows, then when I turned around, I don't think that I would know that what i was seeing is actually reality or if it was just a dream. Also if they saw a shadow of a book (which is rectangle) then how would they know from the shadow that this was a book if they have never seen one before. I think that what Plato was saying though is very wise and that many people are like the people staring at the wall and never know anything else.