Sunday, December 9, 2012

callan Jupps final essay outline

INTRO Paragraphs: Provide context and any necessary background infoWhat makes a true American hero?
Tell why American Heroes are so important, and what they have done for us from when America was discovered until now. (1), (2)
(1) N.p., 31 Aug. 2012. Web. 2 Dec. 2012.
(2) McGuigan, John. "On the Danger of Heroes: Black Hawk Down's Transformation from Narrative Journalism to Cinematic Spectacle." Http:// Midwest Quarterly, Spring 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. </read/1G1-254595701/on-the-danger-of-heroes-black-hawk-down-s-transformation>.
ThesisTrue American heroes have shaped our country from when it was first discovered until now in many different ways.A true American hero is defined as one who gives himself to a greater good.
BODY Paragraphs

(1) Explain what the three movies are about, and how they portray an american hero (1), (2)
(2) Explain how the three movies tie together into what makes an american hero.
(3) talk about how Joseph Campbell's idea of a hero and a veterans idea of a hero compare and contrast.  (3), (4)

(1) McGuigan, John. "On the Danger of Heroes: Black Hawk Down's Transformation from Narrative Journalism to Cinematic Spectacle." Http:// Midwest Quarterly, Spring 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. </read/1G1-254595701/on-the-danger-of-heroes-black-hawk-down-s-transformation>.

(2)Gray, Moira. "Dances With Wolves." Dances With Wolves. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2012. <>.
(3) Joseph Campbell

(4) interview with american hero.
CONCLUSIONS: “so what?”(1)  Talk about why American heroes do what they do.
(2) talk about why american heroes should have more recognition and more influence on society